Monday, November 30, 2009

Yes sir, this is good.

Ok, first day back from vacation. Had the last nine glorious days off of work. I did a little work done on my bike. Initially I'd ditched the left controls on the handlebar. I don't have turnsignals, don't use my horn and don't know if I've every used the high beam. The only problem with removing the left controls is that it made my bars looked unbalanced. I need to relocate my starter/kill switch before I clean up the bars. So right now I just took off my speedo & tach set up to mess around with it a bit and cleaned up the breather kit that I put on a few weeks back. I've been riding my bicycle to work so it doesn't matter that my motorcycle is in the garage surrounded by tools and parts.

Last Saturday my buddy had a BBQ at his place. He's been using an ex-roommate's smoker lately. The food was really good. I need to invest in a smoker. Sure it takes a lot longer to cook food but the wait is worth it.

Next up, I need to save up some money and get a good paint set up.


Picked up this album last week. Good stuff.
Check out some of their songs here. Make sure to
listen to the song Skyling Slip.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Photos (stolen from Dan's blog)

Slab City Riot

Had a blast at the Slab City Riot. Thanks to Biltwell for putting this on. Met some really cool folks along the way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mooneyes and Slab City Riot

Ordered a Mooneyes air cleaner a few weeks ago and last week ordered a breather kit from Debrix. Installed everything yesterday. Looks good. I like the simplicity of the Mooneyes aircleaner. I'm actually not all that concerned with the performance difference (if any) between the Mooneyes and HD factory aircleaner. I just wanted to replace the factory AC because it was so big. I didn't like it, a bit of an eyesore.
I'll be meeting up with some guys on Friday to head on down to Niland Saturday morning. Should be a pretty fun event. I've never been to any of the Biltwell partys. I had wanted to go to the last event but things didn't work out. I was hoping that either Ali or Kapp would make it to this event. I'm more into this sort of thing than they are so makes sense that I'd be the one pushing for it.
Hopefully I'll get a lot of great pictures this weekend.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I just don't understand

I've been looking to pick up a project bike. Nothing too fancy, just something to work on. I thought it'd be nice to have a spare bike for when I want to do things to Bronk that would require me to stay off it for a while. Plus it'd be cool to have a bike for friends to borrow while they're in town visiting me.
There are some really great deals to be had out there. I've seen some really cheap Honda CBs and Evo Sportys.
There are also some ridiculous people out there asking for way too much money for their old POS bikes. I saw on ebay a '81 CB 750 with a starting bid of $2,800. Are you kidding me? The seller acknowledges that the bike needs work and the paint has plenty of scratches. Not only that, from the pictures it's obvious that the bike has rust and is leaky as a mofo. $600? Sold! $2,800? No thanks.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hells Angels

I ran across a clip of some old Hells Angels footage on Chop Cult. Watching the clip, set to Freebird, I realized that I'm a sucker for the idea of the Angels. Specifically, in love with the idea of the freedom that they had in the 60s. Just a bunch of guys looking out for one another, riding their bikes, having a good time. Yeah, some Angels were involved in some pretty crazy stuff but it seems that at the heart of everything the Angels were all a part of the club because they loved bikes. It's so easy to romanticize the Angels because their image really helped to cement into the average American what a biker was. How can you not want to be a part of something like that? Watch the clip and you'll see where I'm coming from.