The guys at Biltwell rule! I received my new handlebars yesterday, they are awesome! Bill at Biltwell threw in a bunch of stickers (16 or so), two posters, and a shirt! The bars, the Keystone bars I've been dreaming about for seven months or so, came in a sock/sleeve to ensure that they weren't scratched. Damn, talk about doing business the right way. I had heard that the Biltwell guys know how to treat their customers but now I know firsthand just how smart they are. By doing things right and giving me the royal treatment I'm sure to order from Biltwell again. I'll probably purchase their diy pipe set. Sure would be nice to make some killer pipes!
The bars went on pretty easy. The only problem I ran into was reattaching the throttle cables to the right grip. Sheesh, that was a bit frustrating. It took a bit of doing, trying to figure out the best way to get the cables back on (I'm sure there's an easy way that I don't know about) and I had to readjust the grip and brake lever when I mistakenly set them too high causing the bike to over-rev but hey, beginner's mistake/learning opportunity.
The bars look great but I think I'll have to ditch my speedo and tach for something different. Maybe a compace mini-electro combo that some German company makes. I can place it in the headlight hood, so I'll see it but it won't be obtrusive and the bars will look a little better. As it stands now, the bars are a bit close to my speedo and tach. They look good but I guess you're never done tinkering with your bike.
Support these guys!
I'll post pictures of the bars/bike tomorrow. I wasn't able to take pictures last night.
some color 35mm no filters
4 weeks ago
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