Yes sir, I'm back from the dead. My resurrection can be attributed to FINISHING MY THESIS!!! Yes, you heard me correctly. That monkey is off my back and I can finally concentrate on my bike. Time to ride motherfuckers! A little too exuberant? Suck it! You obviously do not realize how good it feels to finish a thesis. It's no easy thing to do.
My painting experiment is coming along. Finally got off my butt and decided to try my hand at rattlecan painting. So far, I like how it's looking. Not as good as I'd like but it does look pretty cool. Once I finish up the tank I'm going to try my hand at gold leafing that bad boy. It should look pretty awesome.
Headed out to the Los Padres National Forest in two weeks. No Death Valley. Not too hot. Not too far. Just too damn boring for one of the guys going with the group because he won't be on his bike. I don't mind. Now I get to bring a boatload of gear and have him carry it. Ha!
some color 35mm no filters
4 weeks ago
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