Thursday, January 28, 2010

J.D. Salinger

Not motorcycle related, I know, but I was saddened to hear that J.D. Salinger died today. I didn't read Catcher in the Rye until I was out of high school. I must have been 23 or 24 when I read it. Thankfully, I was still full of angst so that I could relate to the main character.
I like that Salinger spent his life avoiding fame rather than chasing it like so many others.
Frater, ave atque vale!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quite a character

So many things to do

I keep procrastinating on seeing what I can do to this tank that I have just lying around. I really need to just head down to the art store, pick up some 1 shot and lay down the design that I've had in my head forever. I'll have to head down to Westminster on Saturday and pick up some paints.

I still need to get my rear fender painted. Still need to pick up some 10" shocks. Still need to get a new throttle. Still need to work on a sissy bar. Still need to do a lot of things.

On the bright side I finally ordered that Early Man record that I've been wanting forever.

Oh yeah, found out that Black Cobra is playing Vacation Records on Valentines Day. Don't think I'll be able to attend. Bummer.

I know. Boring stuff.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Some of my favorite things

Saw this posted on the MC Art blog. Wow. Girl+Bike+James Brown = Awesome.

Monday, January 11, 2010